

マーセッドカレッジに通うHannah Glenさんは、学生スタッフとしてY.E.S.オフィスで働く傍ら、国際交流・国際ビジネスに関して学んでいます。2012年にはマーセッドカレッジの交換留学生に選抜され、大阪経済法科大学にて留学生としてインターン活動などに参加をしながら日本に滞在しました。





▶ マーセッドの町のことや学校のことを教えてください。

I have been attending Merced College for a while, but only recently moved to the area.  Although some people view Merced as a small town, the town where my family lives is even smaller, so I have a different perspective.  I think that Merced College is just big enough for there to be a variety of different opportunities for students, but small enough that it is possible to get a lot of support and mentoring from teachers, since they have more time to help students individually.  There are also many opportunities for community involvement and recreation, and the town benefits from its proximity to UC Merced.



▶  マーセッドカレッジの学生活動や国際交流の様子を教えてください。

The organization that is responsible for overseeing student activities on campus and governing the student body is ASMC (the Associated Students of Merced College). I was involved with ASMC as a Senator, as well as an Executive Vice President of the student government.  I continue to be involved as a member of clubs under ASMC, and recently helped supervise a working retreat for students. 

Although I am no longer able to participate with ASMC in the role of an officer, my involvement with this group opened my eyes to all of the resources that are available to students: such as special interest groups, sports activities, annual events such as Diversity week, and other campus activities.  There are also scholarships and conferences for which you can apply, and many different opportunities for academic mentoring and growth.  Campus organizations help provide a sense of community and encouragement for students, as well as career guidance. I am convinced that becoming involved with ASMC is a great opportunity for international students, because they can get a stronger sense of American culture, use English and make friends, advance their careers, and the college environment can benefit from their unique viewpoints.  International students can challenge stereotypes and help local college students to have a more global understanding. 

日本語訳:生徒会(ASMC)は学生活動を統括しており、学生によって運営をされています。私は生徒会の副議長として活動をしていました。既に役員として退きましたが、現在はASMC下にあるクラブに所属し活動を続けています。役員としての活動は出来ませんが、毎年恒例の国際交流週間やスポーツ活動、またその他学校内で行われるイベントがこんなにも生徒に提供され ているのかと気付かされることが多かったと思います。
生徒会では、奨学金や協議会に参加する申請が出来ます。学校の組織は、コミュニティの価値を奨励したり、学生達のキャリア教育を高めてくれます。私は留学生が生徒会に参加することを勧めます。なぜなら、 ユニークな視点から、生徒会はアメリカ文化を学ぶ上で役立ち、英語力向上、友達を増やすために最適だと思うからです。そして現地の学生の持つ、留学生のステレオタイプ的な偏見を正しもっと国際的な理解を持たせるよう挑む事が出来ます。

▶ 交換留学生として日本に行った経緯や訪日後の気持ちの変化などを教えてください。

I have desired for a long time to have an internationally-centered career and enjoy learning languages, but I was not always sure of the direction that I wanted to take with these interests. Participating in an internship at Osaka University of Economics and Law exposed me to different ways of thinking and to another culture.  I also was able to compare and contrast the American and Japanese educational systems.  After participating in the internship with OUEL, I feel that I have greater clarity about the future.  Through my experiences with OUEL, I also realized how much I enjoy working with and teaching people of different backgrounds, and I became interested in Japanese culture and learning the language. 


My Academic Advisor had been aware of my indecision about how to proceed with my international interests.  When I came back from Japan, he described that I had a “light in my eyes”, like I had discovered something about my purpose.  I think it’s accurate to say that I feel closer to meeting my goals since going to Japan.  My motivation has increased, and having more tangible goals has made it easier to be more intentional about the future. 

日本語訳:私は長い間、国際教育や語学を学ぶことを望んでいました。しかし、その後の活動については何が出来るかなど明確な道筋を見出すことが出来ませんでした。大阪経済法科大学インターンシップに参加し、違う国の文化や価値観を肌で経験する事ができました。また、私はアメリカと日本教育システムの違いを比べることが出来ました。インターンシップ後は、私の目標が何であるか明確にわかるようになりました。インターンシップでの経験は、他国の人々に教えることが楽しい か知ることができました。そして、日本文化と日本語に大きな興味を抱くようになりました。

▶ 留学生サポートの学生スタッフとして、どのようなことをしていますか?また、その活動を通したHannahの目標はどんなことですか?


As a part of the Y.E.S. staff, I help to tutor students in our MCELI program, as well as giving office-related support, such as assisting with our homestay program and other projects.  My goal for supporting students is to encourage their English language development, as well as to help them to develop better vision about their opportunities as an international student and future member of the workplace.  I want them to get the most out of the resources that are available to them on campus and in the community, and encourage them to try their hardest at their studies. 


▶ 留学生に対して何かアドバイスがあれば教えてください。

Some advice that I would give to those that are international students or are considering study abroad is, don’t be afraid of making mistakes!  The only way to learn and become better is by trying.  I think that fear can be one of the biggest obstacles that an international student will need to overcome in order to be successful, especially by those who are shy or are unsure about their language abilities.  Everyone starts out a beginner, but the people that improve are those that are willing to work on their fears. 

